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Magic is the exercise of will upon the natural forces in order to affect change. The universe abounds with the living energies of Creation. So all things abound with the forces of magic.
Wicca has it's roots ( so to speak ) in Divine magic, the Principle of Consequence and Material Reality.
Divine Magic
Divine Magic is the most widely practiced and accepted form of magic in existence. It is simply the power of prayer. Prayer by the common people is called Demotic magic. Any one who practices any form of religion is practicing demotic magic when they pray.
Hieratic magic is Divine magic performed by a priest/ess or the initiated as it is believed they have a much stronger connection to the Divine and as a result perform greater magic.
Ceremonial magic relies on the use of magical tools, symbols, seals, incantations and rituals as an aid to Divine magic. These are aids for our intention, like icons and rosaries . They do not contain any power of their own, but they do need to resonate with us if they are going to do their job. They can also be charged with energy.
No matter how the rituals are performed, whether through chanting, spells, symbols, dancing, or ritual reenactment, all power remains in the hands of the deity. The only power the participant holds is the power of faith. Spells and rituals are simply "enacted prayer".
Principal of Consequence
The Wiccan Rede: "Do what you will and harm none".
The principle of consequence is also known as Karma. Karmic law is based on equilibrium. What I do I get back in return. If I do a spell to help someone in need, one day I will also be helped. If I try to hurt someone, a similar fate will befall me. This is also the principal of Homeopathy. Like attracts like. Even if I do not receive my Karmic payment in this life, I will receive it, or owe it, in the next. This principal also holds true of all of our thoughts and actions in our daily life. Wiccans also believe in the threefold law. That a person receives three times what one puts out. If you do good, you receive three times the good in return. Like wise, if you do bad, you receive three times the bad in return.
Material Reality
We are the weavers, we are the web
We are the flow, we are the ebb.
Everything is a manifestation of the "All" and all things are connected by an infinite web of interrelations.
This is also the basis of Quantum String theory. All particles of matter are "strings" of energy vibrating at distinct resonances. The vibrations of strings make up harmonies which define every subatomic particle, together which form the particles of both matter and energy.
The very laws of nature exist in a tapestry or grand composition, like the notes and scales of a musical work with all its octaves, tones, and melodies. These notes and tunes govern how matter and energy interact and dictates how atoms are held together.
If I pluck one string, it will resonate throughout the web. I sing the song of the reality I wish to come into being and help to create this reality within the Divine symphony. Creation is a great ever flowing, ever changing love song.
These are the principle on which Wiccan magic is based.
That's all for Magical Theory.
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