This ritual is adapted from the Sophian Full Moon Ritual from the Ecumenical Companions of Sophia.
It is a lot more " Witchy" than theirs. This ritual can be used for either a Full Moon or a New Moon.
Prayers for a Full Moon are focused on thanksgiving for things that have come to fruition, and for things we wish to come to an end. Work is focused on things we want to decrease. Prayers for a New Moon are for thanksgiving for things that have come to an end, and for things we want to come into being. Work is for things we would like to increase.
It also lends itself to a Brigidine Ritual with the use of water and flame. The invocations can be changed as appropriate.
It also lends itself to a Brigidine Ritual with the use of water and flame. The invocations can be changed as appropriate.
Sophian Esbat Ritual
Clear: Using a smudge, walk around the circle, with the intnent of clearing all negative energy from the space. If you do not want to use smudge you can use sound (bells) to clear the space. You may also use branches or a broom.
Cast: In a clockwise direction, starting in the east walk around the circle visualizing a white, or pale blue light coming from your hand or wand. While saying:
This is a place that is not a place in a time that is not a time, half way between the world of God and of man(kind). Between the here and now and the eternal.
Calling of the Quarters: Moving clockwise face each direction while saying:
East: Blow from the east on the morning breeze, O Holy Spirit, come!
Breath of creation, Light of life, O Holy Spirit come!
Breath of creation, Light of life, O Holy Spirit come!
South: Shine from the south in the blazing sun, O Holy Spirit, come!
Fires of passion and inspiration, O Holy Spirit come!
Fires of passion and inspiration, O Holy Spirit come!
West: Flow from the west as the river flows, O Holy Spirit, come!
Waters of mystery and transformation, O Holy Spirit come!
Waters of mystery and transformation, O Holy Spirit come!
North: Rise in the north with the strength of the land, O Holy Spirit, come!
The hills and fields, our comfort and rest, O Holy Spirit come!
The hills and fields, our comfort and rest, O Holy Spirit come!
Come trees, birds, plants, and the animals, come earth and sky and sea.
Come sisters, brothers, family all, a web of life are we.
Come Ancient Ones and those to come, all creatures of the grove.
Come worship now the Living God, Her sacred name is Love.
Invocation (centre):
O Abba, Father, Mother God, O Source of all that is.
O Jesus, Mary, Lord and Lady, Light of all that lives.
O Spirit of the Living God, Sophia, Wisdom, come.
O Holy Three, Eternal One, your sacred name is Love.
Raising. Chant: Earth my body
Water my blood
Air my breath
And Fire my spirit
Ubi caritas et amor, Ubi caritas, Deus ibi est.
Air my breath
And Fire my spirit
Ubi caritas et amor, Ubi caritas, Deus ibi est.
Tree of Life Meditation:
Visualize roots growing down from your bottom or your feet deep into the earth. With each exhale the roots go deeper. As you inhale, visualize earth energy flowing up through your body. Visualize branches sprouting from your crown chakra and connecting with your eighth, also known as the Dove, Soul Star. This is the Seat of the Soul. With each inhale, draw up energy from the earth, with each exhale, draw down energy from the Spirit through your eighth chakra.
Let the branches extent down to the earth, creating a complete circuit.
The Lord's PrayerAbba, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power , and the glory,
forever and ever. Amen.
The Charge:
God is Love
And Her Body is All Creation
She is a Tree of Life +
Who Gathers Her Children in Love
She who is the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars,
and the mysteries of the waters,
and the mysteries of the waters,
calls upon your soul to arise and come unto her.
For She is the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.
From Her all things proceed and unto Her they must return.
She is the Mother of all living, who's love is poured out upon the earth.
She is the Mother of all living, who's love is poured out upon the earth.
Let Her worship be in the heart that rejoices,
for behold, all acts of love are Her rituals.
for behold, all acts of love are Her rituals.
Therefore; let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion,
honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
And you who seek to know Her, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not,
unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself,
you will never find it without.
unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself,
you will never find it without.
For behold, She have been with you from the beginning,
and She is That which is attained at the end of desire.
Centering and Blessing:
Full Moon; Water Scrying and Water Blessing
Have a bowl of water in the centre of the circle. All sit around it and softly gaze at the surface of the water. Let all images and thoughts pass unheaded as you gaze on the water, until you have reached a place of stillness. Then visualize any negative energy that you may be holding onto. Let it pass from you into the water as you hold your hands over the bowl, either silently or speak it aloud. Visualize the water becoming darker.
While a blessing is said over the water, visualize the water being filled with light.
Say: Beloved God, bless this water that it may nourish our souls and enrich and heal our bodies for our greatest and highest good. Blessed Be.
One person can sprinkle the others with the water , or each person can anoint themselves with it.
After, the water is then poured into the earth.
Full Moon; Water Scrying and Water Blessing
Have a bowl of water in the centre of the circle. All sit around it and softly gaze at the surface of the water. Let all images and thoughts pass unheaded as you gaze on the water, until you have reached a place of stillness. Then visualize any negative energy that you may be holding onto. Let it pass from you into the water as you hold your hands over the bowl, either silently or speak it aloud. Visualize the water becoming darker.
While a blessing is said over the water, visualize the water being filled with light.
Say: Beloved God, bless this water that it may nourish our souls and enrich and heal our bodies for our greatest and highest good. Blessed Be.
One person can sprinkle the others with the water , or each person can anoint themselves with it.
After, the water is then poured into the earth.
New Moon; Candle Gazing and Fire Blessing
Light a candle in the centre of the circle. As in water scrying, let your vision soften as you gaze. Allow all thoughts to pass by unheaded. If you become distracted, refocus on the flame. Do this until you reach a place of stillness. A blessing is said over the fire:
Light a candle in the centre of the circle. As in water scrying, let your vision soften as you gaze. Allow all thoughts to pass by unheaded. If you become distracted, refocus on the flame. Do this until you reach a place of stillness. A blessing is said over the fire:
May the fire be in your thoughts,
Making them good and just.
May it protect you from all harm
May the fire be in your eyes,
May it open your eyes to see what is good in life.
May it protect you from speaking against another.
Making them good and just.
May it protect you from all harm
May the fire be in your eyes,
May it open your eyes to see what is good in life.
May it protect you from speaking against another.
May the fire be in your ears.
That you may hear with deep listening
So that you may bear the flow of water
And of all creation and the Spirit.
That you may hear with deep listening
So that you may bear the flow of water
And of all creation and the Spirit.
May the fire be in your arms and hands,
So that you may be of service and build up love.
May the fire protect you from all violence.
So that you may be of service and build up love.
May the fire protect you from all violence.
May the fire be in your whole being, In your legs and feet,
Enabling you to walk the earth with respect and care,
So that you may journey in ways of goodness and trust.
Enabling you to walk the earth with respect and care,
So that you may journey in ways of goodness and trust.
And protect you from turning away from what is true.
Hold in your mind an intention for positive change in your life, silently or speak them aloud. Place you hands behind the flame and draw them up and over your head, drawing in the warmth and light over you. Blessed Be.
Work: Prayers, Healing, Teaching.
When you feel the work has been completed it is time for blessing food to share.
Blessing of food and drink:
It is not we that bless food and drink,
but it that blesses us. For by it's nature it nourishes us,
and in it's sharing we have the opportunity to create community.
Blessed Be.
Pass the plate to the next person while saying, never hunger.
Pass the cup to the next person and say, never thirst.
Pass the cup to the next person and say, never thirst.
Sharing: The circle is open for discussion and sharing.
Close: When we feel it is time to close, we start at the north and move counterclockwise to each direction around the circle, including the centre, thanking the Spirit 's presence. It can be more formal as in the beginning or more informal with a simple thank you and farewell.
By the air that is His breath and by the fire of His eyes,
by the waters of Her womb and by the earth that is Her flesh,
we go in peace to love and serve, thanks be to God.
The circle is open, but not unbroken. Merry meet and merry part and merry meet again. Blessed Be.
* Hugs*
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