We also charge the circle with the elements. Carrying the fire, water, incense and salt around the circle three times.
We sing Amazing Grace
Oh Brigid upon the Highland, 'tis You've left my heart shaken
Oh Brigid upon the Highland, 'tis You've left my heart shaken
With a joyous adoration, as before You I stand
Oh, 'tis wonders of admiration Your quiet face has taken
And Your beauty can awaken the Ones of the Golden Land.
Oh, 'tis wonders of admiration Your quiet face has taken
And Your beauty can awaken the Ones of the Golden Land.
Oh, the white moon above the pale sands, the pale stars above the thorn tree
Are cold beside my Lady, but no purer than She
I gaze upon the cold moon till the stars drown in the warm seas
And the bright eyes of my Lady are ever on me.
( -Lyrics, Helen Farias. )
Are cold beside my Lady, but no purer than She
I gaze upon the cold moon till the stars drown in the warm seas
And the bright eyes of my Lady are ever on me.
( -Lyrics, Helen Farias. )
The priest recites
Every day and every night
That I sing the praises of Brigid,
I shall not be killed, I shall not be harried,
I shall not be put in cell, I shall not be wounded,
Neither shall Christ leave me forgotten.
No fire, no sun, no moon shall burn me,
No lake, no water, nor sea shall drown me, No arrow of fairy, nor dart of fay shall wound me,
And I under the protection of my Holy Mary,
And my gentle foster-mother is my beloved Bride.
I am safe, I am safe,
I shall not be killed, I shall not be harried,
I shall not be put in cell, I shall not be wounded,
Neither shall Christ leave me forgotten.
No fire, no sun, no moon shall burn me,
No lake, no water, nor sea shall drown me, No arrow of fairy, nor dart of fay shall wound me,
And I under the protection of my Holy Mary,
And my gentle foster-mother is my beloved Bride.
I am safe, I am safe,
singing her praises.
Brigid gold-red woman
Brigid flame and honeycomb
Brigid sun of womanhood
Brigid lead me home.
You are a branch in blossom
You are a sheltering dome
You are my bright precious freedom
Bride is welcome, Bride is come.
Brigid gold-red woman
Brigid flame and honeycomb
Brigid sun of womanhood
Brigid lead me home.
You are a branch in blossom
You are a sheltering dome
You are my bright precious freedom
Bride is welcome, Bride is come.
The priest places a crown of candles on the priestess as Brigit.
The priest hands the maiden a bouquet of white flowers.
The priest covers the Crone with a veil.
He says: "Behold the three formed Bride. She who is ever three.
Maid Mother and Crone. Yet she is ever one."
Brigid says: Lord of Death, Resurrection and Life, and the Giver of Life! Lord
who is with us and within us, who is the Mystery of Mysteries and the Light of Life! Come.
The Maid sweeps the circle widdershins one full circuit to banish winter.
Brigid and the Crone walk behind.
If there is a fire, we assemble around it. If not we have some candles in the cauldron.
The Maid says:
"Now we banish winter, now we welcome Spring.. Say farewell to death and greet each new living thing. Now we banish winter, now we welcome spring."
As Brigid is a Goddess of poets and artists and artisans and smiths, we all have an offering prepared for Brigid. It may be a small drawing or painting or a poem or song, or a craft or cakes.
We present our work or read our poems and stories to the circle before placing it in the fire. What does it represent what inspired us.
We ask Brigid for her blessing on our works and deeds in life, for her inspiration, for her healing of illnesses or problems we may have.
We ask for to be cleansed in her sacred flame.
We may also bring our altar candles to be blessed by Brigid's fire.
Healing energy is shared with those in need of it, or on behalf of others.
If there is a large gathering, we may have a Brigid's mantle.
A circle of rope, large enough for people to step through. Each person ties a bit of red ribbon or yarn with prayers and wishes for cleansing, healing and inspiration. As we chant and walk around the circle we step through the Brigid's mantle.
We ask for to be cleansed in her sacred flame.
We may also bring our altar candles to be blessed by Brigid's fire.
Healing energy is shared with those in need of it, or on behalf of others.
If there is a large gathering, we may have a Brigid's mantle.
A circle of rope, large enough for people to step through. Each person ties a bit of red ribbon or yarn with prayers and wishes for cleansing, healing and inspiration. As we chant and walk around the circle we step through the Brigid's mantle.
Holy Water, Sacred Flame
Brigid, we invoke your name.
Bless my hands, my head, my heart.
Source of healing, song, and art.
Each person removes a piece of ribbon to keep for healing throughout the year.
We then create a Biddy or corn dolly, or simply a Brigid's Cross and place it in a cradle of straw by the fire and place the wand beside it. Light two candles beside the cradle.
The Biddy represents Brigid and her return to earth. The wand represents the renewed life, fertility and strength of God.
Fire scrying is done.
Let your vision soften as you gaze at the flames. Allow all thoughts to pass by unheaded. If you become distracted, refocus on the flame. Do this until you reach a place of stillness. Let images rise into your mind observe them and let them pass.
Let your vision soften as you gaze at the flames. Allow all thoughts to pass by unheaded. If you become distracted, refocus on the flame. Do this until you reach a place of stillness. Let images rise into your mind observe them and let them pass.
Blessing of food and Drink.
It is not we that bless food and drink, but it that blesses us. For by it's nature it nourishes us and in it's sharing we have the opportunity to create community. Blessed Be.
Discuss your experiences during the circle. Healing, Scrying, the stories and creations.
Close the circle when you feel ready to do so.
I will raise the hearth-fire
As Mary would.
The encirclement of Bride and of Mary
On the fire, and on the floor,
And on the household all.
The lovely Bride and her Fosterling.
The fair loving Mary and her Lamb.
The King of the sun, He himself.
The Son of Life without beginning, without time.
Bless every fireside every wall and door
Bless every heart that beats beneath its roof
Bless every hand that toils to bring it joy
Bless every foot that walks its portals through
May Brigid bless the house that shelters you.
Blessed Be and Blessed Imbolg.
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